News story

Getting PPE to those who need it

An update on work being done by Sellafield Ltd, our employees and trade unions to help get PPE to health care workers.

A box full of PPE

Personal protective equipment and hand sanitizer delivered across West Cumbria.

Organisations and individuals across the country are doing all they can to help health and care workers get the personal protective equipment (PPE) they need to do their jobs safely.

The Sellafield workforce is no different.

Union campaign

The 3 unions representing Sellafield Ltd employees have joined together to raise funds for the NHS. Unite the Union, GMB Union and Prospect are fundraising for personal protective equipment for the West Cumberland Hospital and for community nursing teams in Copeland and Workington.

Since being launched earlier this week, they have already raised more than £21,000 from union members and the public.

They have already delivered personal protective equipment and hand sanitizer across West Cumbria.

You can donate online or search for Sellafield unions PPE.

Michael Asbridge from Unite the Union, said:

We have been blown away by the response to our campaign, which has been just amazing.

We are working hard to procure as much equipment as possible, and will distribute this throughout West Cumbria.

Thank you to everyone who has helped to support the campaign.

Anyone who wants to get involved can contact Michael Asbridge on

Cumbria-wide approach

Sellafield Ltd is part of the Cumbria-wide approach to coordinate requests for, and donations of, PPE.

This is being managed by the Cumbria Resilience Forum who work to ensure that PPE is delivered to where it is needed most in the country. The forum includes all organisations and agencies involved with emergency response in our communities – including the NHS.

Businesses and organisations who have a request for PPE should contact the Multi-Agency Support Team in the first instance. This group is coordinating requests. Email

Companies who have spare PPE they would like to donate can also contact the MAST by email.

Mark Neate, Director of Environment, Safety and Security said:

As the largest employer in West Cumbria, we are doing all we can to support the community response to the pandemic. It became clear that one of the simplest and most effective things we could do would be to share personal protective equipment. We are working with other key partners and businesses in Cumbria to ensure that our response is coordinated with everyone else’s.

3D printing of PPE

Sellafield employees and supply chain partners – both in Cumbria and Warrington are also working to produce bespoke 3D printer PPE like protective visors that can be distributed to health and care workers who need these.

Published 14 April 2020