Global database revolutionises how MOD manages its historic sites and buildings
Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) archaeologists are using the world’s first global Historic Environment Record (HER), an online database which will revolutionise the management of heritage on the MOD’s UK and overseas estate.

An excavation of Roman buildings at Dreamer's Bay, an ancient port complex in Akrotiri, Cyprus (Crown Copyright / MOD 2018)
The new HER provides comprehensive access to heritage records and condition surveys, bringing greater efficiency to the management of over 800 listed buildings, 700 scheduled monuments and tens of thousands of archaeological monuments on the Defence estate.
Using the HER, DIO archaeologists and historic building specialists will be able to support military training and operations and provide expert advice on any aspect of Defence which has an impact on heritage. This includes development control, infrastructure projects, environmental stewardship, sustainability appraisals, grounds and facilities maintenance, site disposals, climate change, natural capital and recreation, and more.
The MOD is responsible for managing over half of the government’s historic environment assets, a valuable proportion of the nation’s heritage. The new HER will provide an extensive data source for these historic buildings and sites, from evidence for the earliest human activity, through prehistory, Bronze Age feasting sites, Roman Villages, Norman Churches, Medieval fields, all the way up to the Cold War and facilities bearing the marks of hands that built the first British nuclear weapon.

A Saxon skeleton found during an excavation at Barrow Clump on Salisbury Plain Training Area (Crown Copyright / MOD 2018)
The global coordinate system also captures MOD’s heritage responsibilities overseas, creating the world’s first international HER. Overseas sites included in the database include classical remains at RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus, Gibraltar Naval Base, and Mayan Temples on the British Army’s training area in Belize.
Guy Salkeld, DIO Archaeologist, said:
Our new system is incredibly exciting and will help us to be more effective in supporting Defence capability whilst upholding MOD’s responsibilities to the historic environment, both at home and abroad.
The HER will add enormous value to the DIO Historic Environment Team’s work, from providing an accessible overview of the historic environment, to supplying detailed advice on the impact of MOD activities on heritage assets, and enabling a wealth of sustainability potential in between.
The new HER uses the Historic Buildings, Sites and Monuments Record (HBSMR) product, an industry-leading platform for data management, analysis, presentation and publication of heritage data from Idox Software Ltd. By adopting the HBSMR, DIO’s archaeology and historic environment teams will be able to work more effectively with UK statutory bodies, local authorities, and the Archaeology Data Service hosted by the University of York.
The HER exploits a Geographical Information System allowing the integration of multiple 3D digital spatial datasets, such as Sites of Special Scientific Interest. This will enable the creation of new knowledge and insights to enhance the management of heritage and environmental resources on the Defence estate.