GM camelina trial to go ahead at Rothamsted
Defra has granted statutory consent to Rothamsted Research to carry out a small-scale field trial of genetically modified camelina plants.

GM camelina trial to go ahead at Rothamsted
Defra has granted statutory consent to Rothamsted Research to carry out a small-scale field trial of genetically modified (GM) camelina plants. The GM camelina has been modified to produce omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in its seed oils. The trial will test the performance and yield of the GM camelina under field conditions. The trial is due to start this spring and run until 2017 on the Rothamsted estate in Harpenden, Hertfordshire.
This regulatory decision follows a public consultation and the independent expert scientific advice from the Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment (ACRE). Conditions have been imposed on the trial to ensure that it is conducted safely, and the GM plants will not be allowed to enter the food or feed chain.
The trial application from Rothamsted Research, ACRE’s advice and the statutory consent are all available on the website