News story

Goodbye GSI – DWP email addresses are changing

DWP email addresses are changing from 28 March 2019.

The GSI (Government Secure Intranet) network is being phased out across government. As part of this change, ‘.gsi’ will be removed from Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) email addresses by 28 March 2019.

I use email to contact DWP - what do I need to do?

From 28 March 2019 if you use any existing DWP email addresses, you will need to change these from:




The new addresses will be active by 28 March 2019 – please do not use them before this date. Until then you may still receive emails from DWP’s ‘.gsi’ email addresses.

Ensure you update any records that contain DWP email addresses from 28 March 2019. These may include directories, web applications or forms.

What will happen if you don’t make the change?

Any messages sent to a DWP ‘.gsi’ address after 28 March 2019 will receive an automated email response asking you to use the new address.

Updates to this page

Published 13 February 2019
Last updated 21 March 2019 show all updates
  1. Changed the date that DWP email addresses will change from 31 March 2019 to 28 March 2019.

  2. First published.