Got #indyref questions? Join our Facebook Q&A with Danny Alexander
Danny Alexander will answer your questions during a live Facebook chat on Thursday 21 August, 6pm.

The referendum on 18 September 2014 is the most important decision to face Scottish people in 300 years.
You have a right to know what it will mean for you.
To help you get the information you need to make a decision, Danny Alexander, Chief Secretary to the Treasury, will be on hand to answer your questions in a live Facebook chat on Thursday 21 August.
Ask your #indyref questions
It will be hosted on You Decide’s Facebook page on Thursday 21 August at 6pm (GMT).The chat will last 30 minutes and Danny Alexander will answer as many of your questions as possible.
Join Danny Alexander on Thursday 21 August at 6pm over on the YouDecide Facebook page.
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