News story

Government Chemist assists IFST to develop Information Statements

GC team collaborated with IFST to develop a suite of Information Statements on laboratory analysis to help food industry managers select appropriate analytical services

Selection of fruit and vegetables

Laboratory analysis is required in the food industry for many reasons, including evaluation of critical control points for food safety, new product development and investigation of complaints. Modern chemical, bio-analytical and physical measurement science is complex and peppered with acronyms.

Hard-pressed managers in the food industry inevitably rely on their laboratory to guide them through the correct technique, what the acronyms mean, when it should (or should not) be applied, and what interpretation and caveats apply to the resulting data.

The Institute of Food Science & Technology, IFST, asked the Government Chemist for assistance to develop a suite of Information Statements (IS) on laboratory analysis to help regulatory and technical managers in food businesses. Michael Walker was part of a small team of experienced IFST scientists that developed the text which is published and freely available on the IFST website. Michael led on the IS on choosing and instructing a Laboratory, with help from Vicki Barwick, Head of Commercial Training at the National Measurement Laboratory.

The full suite of advice is freely available from the IFST website and can be accessed from the links below:

For more information about the role of the Government Chemist or queries related to food analysis please contact:

Government Chemist

Queens Road
TW11 0LY

Published 13 July 2021