Government response

Government has no plans to take over badger cull pilots

Defra rebuts claims made by the Guardian

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

The myth:

The Guardian has reported that the Government could be forced to take over the badger cull pilots.

The truth:

This is wrong. There have been no discussions or considerations about Defra taking over the badger cull pilots. The pilots are being carried out by licensed companies and this will not change.

The myth:

The piece also reports claims by the Humane Society that Defra is in breach of a decision from the Information Commissioner to release information about the humaneness monitoring criteria.

The truth:

The Humane Society are wrong to suggest we are in breach of an Information Commissioner ruling. We have been granted an extension and are considering whether to appeal the Information Commissioner’s decision. The humaneness evaluation criteria, as agreed with the independent panel of experts, will be published along with a full account and assessment of the pilot culls once they have concluded.

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Published 13 September 2013