Government statement on National Audit Office report
Government spokesperson on National Audit Office report into the effectiveness of Official Development Assistance expenditure

Responding to today’s publication of the National Audit Office report into the effectiveness of Official Development Assistance expenditure, a government spokesperson said:
The UK is recognised globally as a leader in development, from responding to diseases, like Ebola and malaria, to tackling climate change and conflict. We are determined to spend aid where it is most needed and deliver the very best value for money.
We are drawing on skills and expertise from across government so we are better prepared than ever to tackle the growing challenges the world faces. Our investment helps the world’s poorest and most vulnerable, while also protecting and promoting Britain’s national security, economic goals and influence.
We welcome the scrutiny of the National Audit Office, and are already addressing some of the key points raised in its report.
Aid spending departments work together to share best practice on project design and delivery, and transparency, and DFID and the Treasury are developing a system to more effectively track how aid is spent across the whole of government.
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