Press release

Government to seek experts’ views on public service reform

Government today invited experts, public service managers and providers of public services to submit their ideas for public service reform.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

The Government today invited experts, public service managers and providers of public services to submit their ideas for public service reform.

Their views will help shape the Government’s Public Service Reform White Paper, announced in the Spending Review, which will be published next year.

The Government wants to reform public services by shifting power away from central government to the local level - to citizens, communities, and independent providers, so that they can play a greater role in shaping services. 

The Government particularly wants views on how to drive reform further in the following ways:

  • Extending innovative payment and funding mechanisms, such as personal budgets and payment-by-results commissioning in more areas
  • Developing new rights for communities and public employees to buy and run services
  • Setting proportions of certain services that should be provided independently
  • Bringing external investment and expertise into service reform
  • Increasing democratic accountability at a local level

The Government also seeks comments on how best to ensure that continuity of service is maintained in any public service that is provided by voluntary, community or business groups.

The Government particularly wants to receive specific examples on how these reforms could be successfully implemented from the following groups:

  • Public services industry
  • Voluntary and community organisations
  • Independent providers of public services
  • Managers of public services
  • Think tanks and research bodies
  • Service users with views to share

Respondents can submit their views from Friday 26 November 2010 until Wednesday 05 January 2011. More information can be found on the Treasury website:

The Public Service Reform White Paper will also be informed by the Commissioning Green Paper to be published by the Cabinet Office shortly. This will aim to create a level playing field for charities, voluntary groups and social enterprises that wish to bid for public service contracts.

Non-media enquiries should be addressed to the Treasury Correspondence and Enquiry Unit on 020 7270 4558 or by e-mail to

Media enquiries should be addressed to the Treasury Press Office on 020 7270 5238

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Published 26 November 2010