Government urges businesses to prepare for changes to animal imports and exports in a no-deal Brexit
Guidance published today will help minimise disruption and allow continued movement of goods

New guidance has been published today to ensure import and export trade in animals, animal products, fish, food and feed can continue in the event that the UK leaves the EU without a deal.
This guidance will help to minimise disruption for users and allow the continued movement of goods, while helping to maintain our biosecurity, food safety and high standards of animal welfare.
In the event of no deal, to continue to export to the EU we will need to be listed by the EU as a third country. Negotiations are under way to secure this listing and we are confident it will be in place before we leave the EU.
In a no-deal exit the process for exporting and importing the products above but will change in the following ways:
As we’ve said previously, businesses exporting all animals, animal products and fish to the EU will now need to apply for an Export Health Certificate (EHC) before they export. This will make them the same as businesses who export these goods to the rest of the world who already have to apply for EHCs. They will also need to make sure their trade route passes through a Border Inspection Posts when entering Europe as well as being aware of wider customs requirements. The guidance and certificates are available for download from today ahead of use on exit day.
For those businesses importing to the UK guidance is available here. There will not be any new checks or requirements but importers will need to notify authorities using a new process. Businesses will need to use a new system called the Import of Products, Animals, Food and Feed System’ (IPAFFS). This will help to minimise disruption for users, allow the continued movement of goods and help to maintain our biosecurity and food safety.
Businesses importing animals and animal products from within the EU will need to use a separate interim system until the summer.
Food and Animal Welfare Minister David Rutley said:
Our top priority remains delivering a negotiated deal, but it is the job of a responsible Government to ensure we are prepared for all scenarios, including no deal.
If you or your business export or import animals and animal products or imports high risk food and feed you will need to prepare for a number of changes in the event of a no-deal Brexit. Our new guidance pages on make clear what you need to do to be ready to continue to trade after we leave the EU.
To summarise the guidance published today, those who export animals, animal products, fish, should:
- Download EHC certificates;
- Arrange inspections by an authorised signatory for the EHC, such as an Official Veterinarian (OV), in advance of exports;
- Familiarise themselves with a new helpful tool to find authorised signatories in England, Scotland and Wales
- Review the current list of EU Border Inspection Posts on GOV.UK to help plan their journeys; and
- If exporting most fish and fish products between the UK and EU you will need a catch certificate. Guidance is available at exporting and importing fish if there’s no Brexit deal.
Those who import animals, animal products, fish, food and feed should:
- Read the guidance about how to import when the UK leaves the EU;
- If importing high-risk food and feed not of animal origin, ensure that those consignments enter the UK at a Designated Point of Entry (DPE) which are available on the Food Standards Agency’s website;
- If importing from the rest of the world via the EU, make sure that those consignments enter the UK at a Border Inspection Post (BIP) or a Designated Point of Entry (DPE); and
- If importing most fish and fish products between the UK and EU you will need a catch certificate Guidance is available at exporting and importing fish if there’s no Brexit deal.
The IPAFFS system, which will replicate the EU Trade Control and Expert System (TRACES) process currently used by importers to notify authorities of imports of animal products, and high-risk food and feed from non-EU countries, will be operational for businesses importing from outside the EU on Day 1. Businesses importing animals and animal products from within the EU will need to use a separate interim system until the summer.