GRECO: UK 5th round evaluation report published
GRECO (Group of States Against Corruption) publishes 5th round evaluation for the UK.

GRECO, The Council of Europe’s Anti-Corruption Body, today (17 May 2018) published its 5th Round Evaluation Report for the UK. The report was adopted by GRECO Plenary in December.
The report assesses prevention of corruption amongst Top Executive Functions of Government and Law Enforcement Agencies in the UK.
Within Law Enforcement the evaluation focused on the Metropolitan Police and National Crime Agency.
The UK was the first country to undergo evaluation under GRECO’s 5th Round. The report makes twelve recommendations for UK authorities, six in respect of Top Executive Functions and six in respect of Law Enforcement Agencies.
HM Government is now working to consider implementation of the recommendations, in particular where measures that will achieve this are not already planned or in place.