Guidance on Technology Readiness Levels
We are seeking views on a new publication: Guide to Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) which proposes a consistent approach for assessing the readiness of technologies for use on site.

The NDA has published guidance on Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs), an approach to assessing technologies and their readiness for on-site deployment.
Guide to Technology Readiness Levels for the NDA Estate and its Supply Chain
TRLs were originally developed by NASA as a method of measuring the maturity of space exploration technology. A variety of different industries, including nuclear decommissioning, now use the same approach.
The guidance aims to:
- improve the consistency of application of assessing technology readiness in the nuclear decommissioning sector
- increase the general awareness of the approach
The Nuclear Waste and Decommissioning Research Forum (NWDRF) TBuRD Working Group supported the development of the guidance.
We welcome views from wider stakeholders on the content and clarity, so that we can update the document if required.
Please feedback to by 31 July 2015.

Technology Readiness Levels (TRL)
- TRL9 Operations
- TRL8 Active Commissioning
- TRL7 Inactive Commissioning
- TRL6 Large Scale
- TRL5 Pilot Scale
- TRL4 Bench Scale Research
- TRL3 Proof of Concept
- TRL2 Invention and Research
- TRL1 Basic Principles