Harry Shindler receives MBE from British Ambassador to Italy
Harry Shindler, veteran of allied landings at Anzio in WWII and tireless worker for Anglo–Italian relations, honoured by HM The Queen with an MBE on 19 February 2014.

Shindler has worked thirty years and more for Anglo-Italian relations, for the rights of British ex-pats in Italy, the Italy Star Association, and perhaps most importantly of all, to keeping the memory alive of the British servicemen who fought and died to liberate Italy in World War II. His work includes talks in schools and universities, to educate young students and raise the awareness of young people on why the war was fought.
As if this has not been enough, he also been fighting in the European Court of Human Rights for the right of ex-pats to retain the ability to vote in British elections beyond the 15-year limit, raising considerable support in the UK and EU for this objective.
Those who supported his nomination for an award emphasised his selfless determination to help others, limitless energy in pursuing goals and unflagging dedication to Anglo-Italian relations.
Ambassador to Italy, Christopher Prentice says of Harry Shindler:
No objective has been too great, no task too onerous, and his extraordinary tenacity in seeking to overcome the many obstacles and challenges that he has faced is an extraordinary example to us all.