Have your say at York flood alleviation scheme’s first virtual event
A consultation event is being held via zoom for the local community about plans to protect properties in Skeldergate from flooding

Plans to help protect Skeldergate are discussed virtually
People living in the Skeldergate area of York are being invited to take part in a virtual consultation event next week to find out more about plans to better protect the area from flooding.
Environment Agency staff are holding the event on Thursday 18 June, at 6.30pm, to answer any questions from residents and business representatives about proposals to offer protection to individual properties against the risk of flooding. The protection will include fitting products such as flood doors, barriers and airbrick covers to properties that are found to be suitable following a free survey.
These products known as Property Flood Resilience (PFR) are used to reduce the risk of flood water getting in to homes or businesses and, in some instances, to reduce the damage if it does get in.
A study was carried out by consultants employed by the Environment Agency, as part of the York Flood Alleviation Scheme, to look at the best option for reducing flooding in Skeldergate.
Some of the options examined by the consultants were constructing floodwalls along the Ouse, waterproofing building walls and fitting floodgates across the access points from Skeldergate to Queens Staith. The study looked at the benefits of each option in terms of the numbers of properties protected and compared to the development and construction costs. It concluded that the only viable option to reduce the risk of flooding in Queens Staith and Skeldergate is to provide PFR measures to eligible properties.
Initially the plan was to hold a public drop-in event to share the findings with the local community but due to Government guidance on social distancing restrictions relating to the coronavirus outbreak, a decision has been made to trial holding an event remotely.
The virtual live event will be held using the Zoom platform. The details are: Meeting ID: 837 5064 2927 Password: YorkB7 Or use this link
If you have any questions about the meeting email: yorkfloodplan@environment-agency.gov.uk
Mark Fuller, flood risk adviser with the Environment Agency, said:
Although we cannot currently meet members of the local community in person, we are still keen to give them the opportunity to speak to our project team about the results of our findings and discuss any concerns with us. Our priority is the health, safety and wellbeing of residents and staff.
Flooding can never be eliminated entirely, but by using property flood protection we may be able to reduce the risk of water getting in to homes or businesses and reduce its impact if it does get in.
There have been 40 residential and 10 commercial properties in the Queens Staith and Skeldergate area identified as being eligible for a free PFR survey to look at what measures are recommended as offering the best protection. If owners want to go ahead with the recommendations they will be offered a grant of up to £7,500 to install resistance measures to their properties.
This work forms part of £45 million York Flood Alleviation Scheme, which will better protect 2,000 homes in the city from flooding.
Progress continues to be made with the construction of York Flood Alleviation Scheme as work is being carried out where safe to do strictly adhering to Government guidelines. Every effort is being taken to ensure any delays caused by the effects of the pandemic are kept to a minimum.
If you would like to sign up for digital newsletters about our scheme email:yorkfloodplan@environment-agency.gov.uk
For more information on the York Flood Alleviation Scheme, visit the York FAS website
Or follow EnvAgencyYNE on Twitter, York Flood Alleviation Scheme on Facebook or YorkFloodPlan on Instagram.