Have your say on Tadcaster flood defence proposals
The Environment Agency is calling for Tadcaster residents and business owners to have their say on plans for a new flood alleviation scheme for the town.
Proposed flood wall along the River Wharfe
A consultation has launched online on the scheme which is estimated to cost £16m and aims to offer improved flood protection for the town, which has been badly hit by flooding in the past.
A series of drop in events are being held at The Ark, Tadcaster Town Council, so that people can have the opportunity to view designs for the proposed scheme, which aims to better protect Tadcaster homes and businesses from flooding from the River Wharfe.
Proposals include improved river defences on both sides of the river incorporating bunds - barriers which protect properties from rising water, sheet piles and retaining walls. The sheet pile flood defences will be clad in masonry so that they are in keeping with the existing buildings and walls in the town. The team is also keen to ensure the areas around the church and surrounding historic properties not only benefit from a greater level of flood protection but that it also retains its special character.
There are also a number of other important benefits of the scheme such as improving biodiversity and creating connections with wildlife. This includes the construction of a fish pass, funded separately from the flood scheme, through Grant in Aid funding and a contribution from Yorkshire Water.
Other proposals include new fishing platforms and pegs as part of the fish pass works.
Environment Agency staff will be on hand to answer questions about the plans and want to hear the community’s views to help inform the design and construction of the defences.
Events will be held at The Ark, Kirkgate, Tadcaster on:
- Tuesday 7th March 11am to 5pm
- Tuesday 14th March 2pm to 8pm
- Friday 17th March 12pm to 6pm
- Tuesday 21st March 10am to 5pm
- Saturday 25th March 10am to 2pm
- Tuesday 28th March 10am to 8pm
- Friday 31st March 10am to 4pm
- Tuesday 4th April 10am to 5pm
- Tuesday 11th April 10am to 8pm
- Friday 14th April 10am to 4pm
Paul Stockhill, area flood risk manager at the Environment Agency said:
These events are a great opportunity for the community to come along and speak to the Environment Agency project team to find out how we can better protect Tadcaster from flooding.
The town has experienced devastating floods as recently as February last year, and we are working as fast as we can to develop a scheme which offers the best possible level of flood protection for people and is able to withstand the increasingly extreme weather we are experiencing as a result of climate change.
Our next step will be to use these events to gather everyone’s views and local knowledge to help finalise our designs before submitting for planning approval this summer.
Cllr Kirsty Poskitt, who represents the Tadcaster division at North Yorkshire County Council, said:
The public consultation on the new flood alleviation scheme is really welcome. The plans have been progressing well over the past few months so it’s essential that the public now get to have their say.
This scheme will see a big change to our landscape on the riverside and I’ve been impressed by the Environment Agency’s engagement to date on really important matters, like how we keep those areas usable for all, protection of our historic sites and how wildlife will be impacted. I would encourage all to take a look at the plans and share your views.
Nigel Adams MP for Selby and Ainsty said:
Funding for the Tadcaster Flood Alleviation scheme was confirmed in 2019. The Environment Agency have now completed the initial design phase and will be presenting their proposals at ten walk-in events between 7 March and 14 April. This is a unique opportunity to see full details of the proposal and comment before the planning application is submitted.
Tadcaster needs improved flood defences as soon as possible to prevent the river overtopping its banks as it did in 2015 when the bridge collapsed, 2017 and again in 2022. This is a major step forward and I encourage everybody interested in the scheme to attend one of the drop-in events where Environment Agency staff will be on hand to explain the design.
You can view the full details of the proposals online here: https://consult.environment-agency.gov.uk/yorkshire/tadcaster-flood-alleviation-scheme-proposals and make comments until 14 April 2023.
After this consultation, the Environment Agency will determine the final design for the scheme which is scheduled for submission for planning approval in summer 2023, and construction starting by spring 2024. The team is hoping to get the site compound set up in advance of construction.
The Environment Agency’s Tadcaster Flood Alleviation Scheme project team is based in Tadcaster every Tuesday morning from 9:30am until midday at The Ark at Tadcaster Town Council. Please stop in to speak to the team, or they can also be contacted with any questions at TadcasterFAS@environment-agency.gov.uk.
Residents are urged to sign up for free flood warnings to get vital time to save themselves and their possessions from the devastating effects of flooding by visiting www.gov.uk/flood or contacting Floodline on 0345 988 1188.
They can also check their flood risk online at https://www.gov.uk/check-flood-risk.