Have your say on the future of policing
The government has published a consultation inviting members of the public to have their say on how complaints against PCCs are handle.

Police and crime commissioners are at the heart of the government’s plan to cut crime and reconnect the public with the police.
Elections are due to be held in November 2012.
Today’s consultation focuses on how criminal and non-criminal allegations against police and crime commissioners will be handled.
Policing Minister, the Rt Hon Nick Herbert MP, said: ‘We will replace the bureaucratic accountability of weak, invisible police authorities with the democratic accountability of directly elected police and crime commissioners.
‘To ensure that police and crime commissioners, the mayor’s office for policing and crime and their deputies uphold the highest standards of public office, it is important that there is an effective system to handle complaints against them.
‘This public consultation is seeking views on the draft regulations which set out how complaints of criminal and non-criminal behaviour by police and crime commissioners will be handled.’
The consultation will run until 21 October.