Have your say on your sector’s relationship with the EU
Survey launched to discover how the European Union helps the UK

A call for evidence from the culture, sport and tourism sectors to investigate the UK’s relationship with the European Union (EU) has been launched today.
The Government decided to carry out a Balance of Competencies review last autumn to look at where the EU helps and where it hampers. It will continue across a series of semesters until autumn 2014.
DCMS and its stakeholder community are involved in the second semester of the review, which begins today. It aims to provide the culture, tourism and sport sectors with an opportunity for people from across the spectrum to have their say on what the EU means for them, and help inform our understanding of how EU powers affect these sectors.
Maria Miller said: “Europe and European powers can impact enormously on British culture, sport and tourism. We want to hear from the experts: how does the EU help – or hinder – the way we do things in the UK? Evidence pulled together in this report will provide a constructive and serious contribution to the wider debate about modernising, reforming and improving the EU.”
Experts and interest groups in the UK and Europe are invited to contribute to the review to ensure it is an informed and objective analysis.
The review will be open until 7 August 2013. Those wishing to contribute can respond directly or complete this survey. Responses will feed in to a report which will be published by the end of the year.