World news story

High Commissioner’s oral update on Ukraine – Interactive Dialogue

This UK statement was delivered on 19 December during the interactive dialogue on Ukraine.

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government

The Interactive Dialogue takes place at the Palais des Nations in Geneva

The United Kingdom thanks the Deputy High Commissioner for the update and welcomes the 24th Report on the human rights situation in Ukraine, undertaken in line with UN General Assembly resolution 72/190.

We recognise reform remains a priority to ensure that Ukraine achieves its potential to become a stable, transparent state. We must not forget, however, that Ukraine is not in control of all of its internationally recognised territory. Crimea and the Donbas are part of Ukraine, and Russia’s actions breach its obligations under international law and present a serious challenge to the international rules-based order.

We welcome the news that civilian casualties are continuing to decline, however, the ongoing Russian-backed conflict in eastern Ukraine continues to cause loss of life and instability to those living in the conflict zone. Both sides must do more to protect civilians.

We remain deeply concerned about the human rights situation in illegally annexed Crimea. Although we cannot know the full extent of human rights violations perpetrated in Crimea; reports of restrictions on fundamental freedoms, including freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and religion, are deplorable. We condemn the continual arbitrary arrests designed to instil fear. Russia’s continued refusal to allow access for international monitoring organisations is, unacceptable. We call on Russia to grant access, in line with UN General Assembly resolution 72/190.

The United Kingdom remains concerned about attacks against civic activists, including the murder of Kateryna Handzyuk. These attacks must stop.

Finally, the United Kingdom condemns the incident of Russian aggression in the Black Sea on 25 November and calls on Russia to immediately release the detained 24 servicemen.

Deputy High Commissioner,

What more can the international community do to ensure the safety of protected persons at the administrative boundary line and in territorial waters around Crimea? Thank you.

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Published 19 December 2018