High demand for innovation in Indian healthcare system
India is looking for innovative healthcare systems and is partnering with UK suppliers to deliver solutions.

UK healthcare innovation in action: the Hamlyn Centre at Imperial College London is pioneering brain computer interface technologies to improve complex skills training.
India’s healthcare market is estimated to grow to $280 billion (US) by 2020 (CII-KPMG ‘The Indian services sector: Poised for global ascendancy’ Report 2016). It’s a country with a diverse and geographically spread population, with a real need for excellent in clinical care of lifestyle diseases.
With its recent commitment to developing 100 smart cities across the country, demand for innovative healthcare solutions in the Indian healthcare system has never been higher. Indian healthcare leaders are looking for solutions that will drive further efficiencies in costs, increase patient access in remote areas, and provide more personalised healthcare solutions.
India looks to the UK for innovative care solutions
The UK is well placed to meet this demand. The UK’s National Health Service (NHS) continues to be ranked by the US-based Commonwealth Fund as the leading health system in the world. To remain at the top of the rankings, the NHS and UK healthcare sector are focusing their expertise towards continuous development of innovative healthcare practices.
Healthcare utopia is a future with no waiting time for patients, sophisticated surgical robots in operating rooms, radiology images in the cloud, consulting in real time and flexible touch screens capturing important health data. A future of disruptive technologies; artificial intelligence, wearable sensors, virtual reality and artificial intelligence.
India Innovation Mission: February 2018
Healthcare UK is bringing representatives of the UK healthcare system to India to learn how India is:
- approaching the challenges of scale and resource
- sharing their expertise
- discussing with Indian healthcare colleagues what can be achieved through working with the latest smart systems and devices
These representatives are from leading NHS hospitals and pioneering British companies whose innovative solutions are delivering results across health and care economies in the UK and around the world.
If you are an innovative healthcare system provider looking to develop operations overseas please contact us at healthcare.uk@trade.gov.uk to discuss how we can help you.
Healthcare UK is a joint initiative of the Department of Health and Social Care, NHS England and the Department for International Trade. Find out more about what we do here.