Historic Housing and Planning Bill will transform generation rent into generation buy
New Housing and Planning Bill has been introduced to Parliament by the government.

The government’s new Housing and Planning Bill marks the start of a national crusade to transform generation rent into generation buy, Housing Minister Brandon Lewis announced today (13 October 2015).
The minister said today’s publication sent a clear signal that the government would keep the country building while giving hard-working families every opportunity to unlock the door to home ownership.
Housing Minister Brandon Lewis said:
As a one nation government we’re determined that anybody who works hard and aspires to own their own home has the opportunity to do so.
More than 230,000 households have been helped into homeownership through government-backed schemes since 2010, while our extension to the Right to Buy will see a further 1.3 million housing association tenants given the opportunity to own their own home.
And the Housing Bill will allow us go even further by kick-starting a national crusade to get 1 million homes built by 2020. It truly is an historic moment that will help deliver the homes hard-working people rightly deserve, transforming generation rent into generation buy.
Measures include:
New affordable Starter Homes – a new legal duty will be placed on councils to guarantee the provision of 200,000 Starter Homes on all reasonably sized new development sites; these will be offered to first-time buyers at a 20% discount on market prices
Local Plans – providing the government with targeted powers to ensure that all councils get Local Plans in place by 2017, so they can help provide the homes their communities need
Pay to Stay – ensuring that those tenants on higher incomes who are living in social housing have a rent that reflects their ability to pay, while those who genuinely need support continue to receive it
automatic planning permission in principle on brownfield sites – to bring forward more land to build new homes quicker, while protecting the green belt
planning reforms to support small builders – placing a new duty on councils to help allocate land so 20,000 custom and self-built homes a year can be built by 2020
measures to tackle rogue landlords – giving councils the power to blacklist, and in extreme cases ban those who don’t abide by the law, while helping decent landlords recover abandoned homes quicker
Ensuring high value assets are managed effectively – ensuring the sale of high value council assets that can be used to support people into home ownership
Publication of the Bill comes just days after the government reached an historic deal with housing associations to extend the Right to Buy to 1.3 million housing association tenants from as early as next year.
The government has also recently announced new measures that will make it easier to turn underused office buildings into new homes.
In addition, a new website has been launched this week to help aspiring homeowners achieve their dream of home ownership.
According to the British Social Attitudes Survey, 86% of people aspire to own their own home, and the new Own Your Home campaign will help direct people to the best scheme tailored made for their needs.
Further information
See the Housing and Planning Bill.
The Bill will now progress to Second Reading.
Find out more about how a Bill is taken through Parliament.
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