HM Land Registry’s addresses are changing
HM Land Registry is changing its external-facing addresses for business customers.

The new addresses come into force for business customers on 2 December 2024. For a transitional period of 12 months, however, any incorrectly addressed correspondence will be diverted to the correct address, allowing you time to adjust your systems.
The process for invalid cheques will stay the same.
The new addresses are:
Royal Mail address for business customers
HM Land Registry
(Insert the name of your closest office)
PO Box 7803
DX address for business customers
HM Land Registry
DX 427301
We will be updating the return addresses in our letters and on our stationery over the coming weeks, but you may see a mixture of the old and new addresses for a short time.
Please update your processes and systems to ensure the correct HM Land Registry address is used for applications.
To avoid confusion, please do not address correspondence to any member of HM Land Registry’s staff by name. We will ensure your correspondence reaches the right official.