News story

HMCTS legacy notification service – meeting summary 18 June 2019

HMCTS and representatives of the charity sector met today (Tuesday 18 June 2019) to discuss the legacy notification service as part of the steering group set up in January.

Ministry of Justice building

HMCTS updated the steering group on its specific work to implement an interim solution that both met its legal obligations and provided continuity of service for charities. This work is ongoing and HMCTS reflected its continued confidence that such an arrangement would be secured, and that this would be announced to the sector as soon as possible. HMCTS agreed to keep members of the group informed of progress and will meet again for a further update at the end of next week.

The meeting also agreed the mutual determination of both HMCTS and the sector to develop a longer-term, sustainable legacy notification service, and HMCTS invited the sector bodies to nominate charity representatives to attend a joint MoJ/HMCTS workshop next month (July 2019) to help define more clearly the charity sector’s needs and requirements for such a service.

HMCTS remains grateful for the patient support and assistance provided by the sector in helping to address all these issues in the best interests of all.

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Published 19 June 2019