Home Office sets out police pay award for 2017 to 2018
Home Secretary confirms rank and file police officers to receive 2% pay award in 2017 to 2018.

The government recognises the extraordinary efforts of the police over the past year, and in light of independent recommendations made by the Police Remuneration Review Body (PRRB) and the Senior Salaries Review Body (SSRB), we will award police officers a pay award worth a total of two per cent to each officer in 2017 to 2018.
This will consist of:
- a 1% increase to base pay for all ranks
- an additional one-off non-consolidated payment to officers at federated and superintending ranks
- a 1% increase to the London Weighting payment
- a 1% increase to the Dog Handlers’ Allowance
Home Secretary Amber Rudd said:
The tireless work and contribution of police officers in responding to some of the most challenging situations our country has faced for a very long time has been extraordinary.
This award strikes a fair balance for police forces, officers and taxpayers. We want to reward and attract the very best police officers within the resources we have, whilst making the right decisions for the economy overall.
This award strikes a fair balance for police forces, officers and taxpayers. We believe it is affordable within the current police funding settlement. The independent pay review body and the police’s independent inspectorate have both highlighted the potential for further efficiencies in the police, forces have increased their reserves from £1.4 billion in 2011 to £1.8 billion in 2016, and police spending has been protected in real terms since 2015.
Policing remains a very attractive career. Applications rates for police officer roles are high. For example, this summer, more than 1500 people applied for 300 Humberside police officer jobs.
Officers benefit from a competitive pay and benefits package. The starting salary is between £19,971 (no qualifications) and £23,124 for constables, rising to £38,382 within 7 years of joining.
Officers who have not reached to top of their pay scale receive annual incremental pay of at least 2% in addition to any annual pay awards depending on rank, experience and securing a satisfactory performance grading.
They are entitled to membership of a defined benefit pension scheme, which is among the best available in the public or private sectors. Members benefit from employer contributions of 21.3% of their pay towards their pensions on top of their own contribution. All contributing members are able to take their pension by age 60, with the majority able to take a pension sooner.
The PRRB highlighted in its report the potential for further efficiencies to be made within policing.
Further information about police welfare, pay and wellbeing is available on the Home Office media blog.