Home Secretary supports #MakingAStand campaign
Theresa May joins Muslim women as they unite against ISIL.
![Make a stand](https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5a61b8d640f0b60ab9a825b3/s300_HS_Make_a_stand_1_960x640.jpg)
The Home Secretary today joined women from across the Muslim community as they made a united stand against the barbarism of ISIL – and urged them to take the lead in combating extremism.
The event in central London was organised by human rights group Inspire to empower Muslim women around the UK to unite as one voice against the terrorist organisation.
Supporting the #MakingAStand campaign, Home Secretary Theresa May said:
It is an honour to stand alongside Muslim women who gathered together from across the UK today to challenge extremism and terrorism.
Women can play a unique and powerful role in combating the extremist threat here and abroad, taking the lead in stopping preachers of hate from preying on young people.
It is a job for us all to challenge hatred and extremism wherever we find it. I am honoured to support a campaign which asks Muslim women to make a stand and help to build stable and peaceful communities.
Speaking at the launch event, Inspire’s founder Sara Khan said:
We are British Muslim women - proud of who we are – British and Muslim. We cherish the values of peace, democracy, citizenship, and human rights. As women we know our role in challenging extremism is essential.
So today, as part of our communities and within our own families we call on everyone to join us in making a stand and challenging extremists in our communities, on television, in our societies and online.
We call on all women to join us and say that we will not tolerate this barbaric ideology. We will not tolerate our children being groomed by these terrorists.
That’s why we’re here today to make our stand.
![Make a stand](https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/5a60fc49ed915d7dfb58085c/HS_Make_a_stand_2_960x640.jpg)
Women are being encouraged to join the campaign by tweeting a picture of themselves to #MakingAStand. They can also register their interest and find out more by visiting the website