News story

Home Secretary's response to 7/7 verdicts

Theresa May will now consider the Coroner's report into the London bombings.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Verdicts of unlawful killing have been recorded in the inquests into the deaths of the 52 victims of the July 7 London bombings.

Responding to today’s investigation by Lady Justice Hallett, the Home Secretary said: ‘Of course, no one will forget the tragic events of that day and nothing will ever be able to bring back the 52 people who were murdered.  But I do hope that the conclusion of the inquests will bring some measure of comfort to the families and all of those affected.
‘This process has been vitally important.  We now have a better picture of what happened in the lead up to that terrible day and on the day itself.  I and my government colleagues will now carefully consider the Coroner’s report and recommendations.

‘I am pleased that the Coroner has made clear there is simply no evidence that the Security Service knew of, and therefore failed to prevent, the bombings on 7/7.

Improvements since 2005

‘The government, emergency responders and the security and intelligence community are always looking to learn lessons and to improve the response to the terrorist threat we face.  This includes learning from the 7th July attacks and from other incidents and there have been a considerable number of improvements put in place since 2005.

‘I would like to thank the police and Security Service for their continuing efforts to keep the public safe, and also the emergency services and everyone who helped the injured on that terrible day.

‘They work day in and day out to protect the public and I value their important work enormously. Unfortunately it is not possible to provide a risk-free world and we cannot guarantee that terrorists will never succeed. We must remain vigilant.’

The Home Secretary gave a written response to Parliament on 9 May. Read it here.


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Published 6 May 2011