Press release

Homes England’s Northern Arc scheme unanimously approved by Mid Sussex district council

The construction of 3,000 new homes – 30 percent of which will be affordable – at Burgess Hill in Mid Sussex has been given the go ahead by Mid Sussex District Council’s planning committee.

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Artist impression of new site
  • 3,000 new homes will be built over 15 years
  • Providing 3 new schools to meet local demand
  • The scheme will also provide local facilities and employment opportunities

The new homes will be built alongside new community facilities including three neighbourhood centres, three new schools and employment opportunities. The development will ensure easy access to public transport and walking and cycling routes.

Homes England, which owns the 200-hectare site known as the Northern Arc, will work with developers to submit detailed planning applications following further community consultation. Construction of the first new homes at Freeks Farm and associated highways infrastructure is expected to begin in 2020.

Ken Glendinning, Head of Strategic Land at Homes England said:

“This flagship scheme will provide existing and new residents with a mix of affordable and market priced homes to buy and rent alongside schools, new community, leisure, health facilities and employment opportunities in Burgess Hill.

“We developed our plans following discussions with the local community as well as working closely with Mid Sussex District Council and West Sussex County Council to ensure that the necessary infrastructure will be delivered at the right time.

“Over the next three years, we plan to invest around £41 million in vital new infrastructure at the Northern Arc. This will unlock these needed new homes in Mid Sussex, making homes happen faster and ensuring they are a real benefit to the local community. The new infrastructure will relieve traffic pressure and provide better links in this part of Mid Sussex.”

Earlier this month, Homes England submitted their first infrastructure planning application for a bridge and link road – which will connect Isaacs Lane to Freeks Farm in the eastern part of the site – to relieve traffic pressure and support the construction of the new homes. Subject to planning permission being granted, work is expected to start early next year.

And – in the west of the site – progress is being made as Homes England seeks a contractor to construct another bridge, link road and roundabouts. Should planning permission be granted for this, work iwill start in summer 2020.


For more information contact Sarah Ward on 07776 527 643 or email or Tom Hustler, Communications Manager at Homes England on 0113 3949355 or email

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Published 4 October 2019