HomeSwap Direct offers fresh opportunities for social tenants
The government’s new national HomeSwap Direct scheme will make it easier for tenants living in a council or housing association home to find…

The government’s new national HomeSwap Direct scheme will make it easier for tenants living in a council or housing association home to find a new property in another part of the country.
HomeSwap Direct will mean that for the first time there will be a system in place across the whole of the UK, meaning that tenants looking to move, whether for a job, to be near family or to a property better suited to their needs, will be able to see all the available homes across the whole of the UK, not just those on the website subscribed to by their current landlord.
Some councils such as Kettering already run localised schemes but Homeswap Direct will link them all together across England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales.
One couple used Homeswapper to find a home closer to the family, who had relocated across the country, meaning a 250 mile round trip every few weeks to see them.
They said:
“It took us less than 3 months to find our perfect home swap. We could have moved sooner but we wanted to make sure the house was perfect as we knew once we had moved closer to the children we would settle there.
“Our new home is very similar our old bungalow, which we loved, but has a very important added benefit; our family are now just around the corner. Without HomeSwapper it could have taken years for us to have been moved nearer to our family. It’s easy and simple and we’d recommend it to anyone looking to move.”
Contact details
Stephen Oliver, Managing Director,
Tel: 0118 925 5823
Locata Housing Services
Peter Riley, Director
Tel: 07545 696362
John Carthew, Managing Director, Housing Partners Limited
Tel: 0780 114 2971 or 01905 361 504
House Exchange
Kim Doran
House Exchange Manager
01603 703 516