World news story

Honduras sharing ideas on transparency with the rest of the world in London

As the UK takes up the rotating leadership of the international Open Government Partnership (OGP), Honduras has been invited to participate in the annual OGP summit in London to present the country’s commitments toward transparency and the international development agenda.

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OGP Summit

OGP Summit

The OGP is a multilateral initiative which aims to secure concrete commitments from governments to promote transparency, fight corruption, and harness new technologies to strengthen governance. At the OGP summit in London from 31 October to 1 November, over 1,000 delegates from more than 60 countries will come together.

Honduras is going to be represented by Rocío Tabora, Technical Advisor on Transparency for the Vice President, and German Leitzelar, Congressman and representative of the Honduran Legislature. Each country will share experiences and provide examples of how openness can improve public services, drive economic growth, reduce poverty and corruption, and restore public faith in government. To mark the event, British Ambassador to Honduras, Sarah Dickson said: “We want each government coming to London to announce an ambitious new open government commitment. But commitments alone are not good enough – they must translate into concrete actions and deliver results.

Once a country signs up to OGP, the members will be supporting each other to ensure progress is made. I’m sure Honduras will share some good ideas and the UK looks forward to welcoming them to London”.

The Honduran delegation will use this opportunity to elaborate on the transition plans for the new Government, after the election process on 24 November, and its commitment towards transparency. Members of the Honduran civil society will also join the summit, such as Asociación para una Sociedad más Justa (ASJ).

For more information about the OGP and the OGP Summit please visit:

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Published 31 October 2013