Hot weather health warnings: 2018
Warmer weather forecasts for parts of England have prompted warnings to take care from Public Health England (PHE).

Latest update
New heatwave alerts have been issued across large parts of England to warn people about hot weather forecast over the coming days.
Dr Thomas Waite, Consultant in Health Protection at Public Health England, said:
Temperatures are likely to rise on Friday through the weekend and potentially into next week, which may leave older people, young children and those with long-term conditions, including heart and lung diseases, struggling to adapt to the heat. So keep an eye on friends and family who may be at risk.
To beat the heat, try to keep out the sun from 11am to 3pm, walk in the shade if you can, apply sunscreen and wear a hat if you have to go out in the heat. Also try to carry water with you when travelling.
Read top tips for staying safe in the heat.
Previous updates
12 July 2018
After a brief respite, heatwave alerts have again been issued to warn people of likely hot weather in large parts on England over the next few days.
Dr Thomas Waite, Consultant in Health Protection at Public Health England, said:
There is a high chance that temperatures will climb towards the weekend, reaching peak temperatures on Sunday, and leaving vulnerable people at risk. The over 65s, young children and those with heart and lung conditions can all find normal activities a strain when temperatures get this high, so keep an eye on friends family and neighbours who may be at risk.
To stay cool, avoid the sun during the hottest parts of the day, carry water with you when travelling and think what you can do stay cool when going to outdoor events.
Read top tips for staying safe in the heat.
5 July 2018
The Met Office and Public Health England have today upgraded their heatwave alerts for western regions of England and extended the current alerts through to the middle of next week.
The over 65s, young children and those with heart and lung conditions can all find normal activities a strain when temperatures get this high. High temperatures, indoors and outdoors can also pose a risk to everyone’s health over such a sustained period.
The hot weather has now been in place for 2 weeks and we are seeing an increase in the number of people who are attending GP surgeries and calling NHS 111 for heat related conditions such as sunburn, sunstroke, heatstroke and insect bites.
Dr Thomas Waite of PHE said:
While many of us will be enjoying the hot weather over the next few days, for some it can pose a real health risk. So it is critically important that we keep an eye on friends, family and neighbours who may be at risk.
To stay cool, avoid the sun during the hottest parts of the day, carry water with you when travelling and think what you can do stay cool when going to large events.
It’s also worth remembering to think about practical steps to keep your home cool during the day as this can aid sleeping at night and give the body time to recover from the heat. Close curtains on rooms that face the sun to keep indoor spaces cooler and remember it may be cooler outdoors than indoors.
Read top tips for staying safe in the heat.
26 June 2018
Heatwave temperatures across the country have prompted PHE to again warn people to look out for those most at-risk in the summer sun.
When temperatures climb to the sorts of levels seen in many parts of the country some people can struggle to cope.
The over 65s, young children and those with heart and lung conditions can all find normal activities a strain when temperatures get this high. That’s why PHE is today (Tuesday 26 June 2018) urging people to keep an eye out for anyone they know who may be at risk.
Dr Thomas Waite of PHE said:
We know that when weather like this hits, many people will head outdoors and make the most of the sunshine – but for others, temperatures like these, over more than a day or 2, can be really uncomfortable and pose a significant risk to health.
This is because their bodies may struggle to adapt to working harder, as all our bodies do when the weather gets this hot, and they can become ill.
It’s vitally important that we keep an eye on friends, family and neighbours who may be at risk, and chances are we’ll all know someone if we’re all going to stay well this summer.
For others, the best thing to do is avoid the sun during the hottest parts of the day, carry water with you when travelling and if going out to large events, and we know lots of people will be watching football this week, think what you can do stay cool. It’s also worth remembering to think about keeping homes cool as this can aid sleeping at night and give the body time to recover from the heat of the day.
Read top tips for staying safe in the heat.
25 May 2018
With a Met Office forecast for a spell of warmer weather for the coming days Public Health England (PHE) is urging people to think now how they’ll handle summer heat this year.
The latest forecast from the Met Office suggests that this weekend there could be high temperatures in many places. Although temperatures like this can be pleasant for many, there are some older people, young children and those with heart and lung conditions whose bodies will struggle to cope and could feel the ill-effects.
Dr Thomas Waite, a public health consultant at PHE, said:
Much of the advice on beating the heat is common sense and for many people spells of warmer weather are something they very much enjoy.
This bank holiday weekend is a really good time to think about what you can do to protect you and your family and friends’ health throughout the summer and warmer weather.
It is also currently Ramadan. If you start to feel unwell, disoriented or confused, or collapse or faint, advice is to stop fasting and have a drink of water or other fluid. This is especially important for older adults, those with poorly controlled medical conditions such as low or high blood pressure, diabetes and those who are receiving dialysis treatment. The Muslim Council of Britain has confirmed that breaking fast in such conditions is allowable under Islamic law. Also, make sure to check on others in the community who may be at greater risk to ensure they are having a safe and healthy Ramadan. Guidance is available on NHS Choices.
For some people, such as older people, those with underlying health conditions and those with young children, the summer heat can bring real health risks. That’s why we’re urging everyone to keep an eye on those you know who may be at risk this summer. If you’re able, ask if your friends, family or neighbours need any support.
The top ways for staying safe when the heat arrives are to:
- drink plenty of fluids and avoid excess alcohol
- look out for others, especially older people, young children and babies and those with underlying health conditions
- close curtains on rooms that face the sun to keep indoor spaces cooler and remember it may be cooler outdoors than indoors
- never leave anyone in a closed, parked vehicle, especially infants, young children or animals
- try to keep out of the sun between 11am to 3pm
- take care and follow local safety advice, if you are going into the water to cool down
- walk in the shade, apply sunscreen and wear a hat if you have to go out in the heat
- avoid physical exertion in the hottest parts of the day
- wear light, loose fitting cotton clothes
- make sure you take water with you if you are travelling
Frank Saunders, the Met Office’s Chief Meteorologist said:
Although some places will see cloud and heavy thunderstorms over the bank holiday weekend, many areas will be dry with plenty of sunshine. Where it’s sunniest, particularly in the south and south east, it’ll feel very warm with temperatures rising into the mid to high twenties and possibly a very localised 30 Celsius in the strongest sunshine.
Updates to this page
Published 25 May 2018Last updated 18 July 2018 + show all updates
Updated with latest heatwave alert.
Updated with latest heatwave alert.
The Met Office and Public Health England have upgraded their heatwave alerts today (5 July 2018).
Added latest weather warning update.
First published.