News story

Housing and construction champions announced

After launching the Department’s Red Tape Challenge ‘Housing and Construction’ theme last month, the Secretary of State is pleased to announce…

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

After launching the Department’s Red Tape Challenge ‘Housing and Construction’ theme last month, the Secretary of State is pleased to announce the appointment of Simon Randall CBE and Councillor Stephen Greenhalgh as Sector Champions.

The review of regulations will reflect the approach taken in the Housing Strategy published in November last year. The Strategy outlines how the Government is committed to better environmental standards, more affordable housing, security of tenure, legal protection for tenants and leaseholders, and support for the elderly, vulnerable households and those on low incomes.

The Government has already taken a series of steps to cut unnecessary red tape, including abolishing Home Information Packs, reducing burdens on short-term holiday lets, removing blanket regulation on Houses of Multiple Occupation that would have reduced choice for tenants, and introduced new freedoms and flexibilities for social landlords via the Localism Act. This review will help inform the scope for further reductions of unnecessary and disproportionate red tape.

The Sector Champions will be supporting the review by using their experience and industry contacts to help shine the spotlight on our Red Tape Challenge theme.

Simon Randall CBE is a solicitor specialising in housing and also has a strong background in local government having served as a Councillor and through his work with Housing Associations such as chairing Broomleigh Housing Association. In his spare time, he is also actively involved in supporting mutuals and co-operatives.

Stephen Greenhalgh is Councillor for Town Ward in Fulham and Leader of Hammersmith and Fulham Council. He has extensive experience of the local government and housing sector. He is a successful entrepreneur and, as a landlord himself also understands the business perspective.

Both champions are keen to be involved in the Red Tape Challenge and to support the Department.

Simon Randall said:

The housing and construction sectors are arguably the most highly regulated in the UK. There is enormous scope for reducing red tape which could both increase and speed up the supply of private rented and social housing without in any way compromising on quality, security or sustainability. This will be the overall challenge for the sectors and I look forward to their suggestions for abolition or simplification of existing regulations.


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Published 8 February 2012