News story

How will the new Charities Act affect your Charity?

The Charity Commission blogs about the new Charities Act which comes into force this year (2016-17).

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No longer current. You can now read Nick Mott’s blog on the 5 ways the new act will affect charities.

“The Cabinet Office published a timetable today that explains when the different sections of the new Charities Act are going to take effect. Many of the act’s provisions will only affect a relatively small number of charities and individuals.

However, it also makes a few significant changes - most notably on disqualification - of which all charities will need to be aware”, Nick Mott, Head of Policy Development Guidance and Review, says.

The blog looks at 5 ways the new act will affect charities, and their regulation including the consultation on how the commission will use its new powers.

Nick Mott writes:

“We’ll be issuing further updates and information about the provisions in the coming weeks and months - look out for the next edition of Charity Commission News and updates on Twitter and on GOV.UK.”

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Published 20 May 2016