World news story

Human Rights and Democracy Programme Fund

The British Embassy invites bids for the Human Rights and Democracy Programme Fund run by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

The British Embassy invites bids for the Human Rights and Democracy Programme Fund run by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office. The deadline for submission of concept bids is 28 February 2014.

About Human Rights and Democracy Programme Fund

The Human Rights and Democracy Programme Fund (HRDP) is one of the FCO’s strategic programme funds which aims to support projects around the world that help to progress the UK’s priorities in the areas of rule of law, human rights and democracy. HRDP has been active in Vietnam since 2005. (Please see List of Projects funded by Strategic Programme Fund in 2008-2014 (MS Word Document, 32.5 KB)

Funding priorities

The Programme focuses on the following thematic areas:

  • global torture prevention

  • abolition of the death penalty

  • promotion and protection of freedom of expression

  • upholding freedom of religion and belief

  • women’s rights

  • business and human rights

  • strengthening democratic processes

  • preventing sexual violence in conflict

Selected priority areas for Vietnam are:

  • global torture prevention

  • abolition of the death penalty

  • promotion and protection of freedom of expression

Details of each of these areas can be found in the HRDP Strategy (MS Word Document, 137 KB).

The special attention will be given to project proposals in the priority areas for Vietnam, however we do accept bids in other thematic areas of HRDP Strategy. The project proposals in non-priority areas for Vietnam should ensure they clearly set out the issue and why the UK is the best donor to support activities in that specific area.

Funding criteria

  • Projects must support activity linked to the thematic priorities outlined above.

  • Projects should begin from June 2014 and must be completed by end February 2015.

  • The FCO can fund up to £200,000 for one project. Projects that require more than that amount may be considered exceptionally.

  • We welcome projects jointly funded with other donors. All projects must demonstrate how they complement the efforts of other donors and bring added value. We strongly encourage projects that seek to secure future funding from other bodies (e.g. EU, UN) for follow-on work.

Application for funding and time table

Deadline for implementers to submit concept bids to the British Embassy. (The British Embassy will assess all concept bids received. Selected bidders will be asked to work their concept up to a full proposal for submission.) 28 February 2014
Deadline for implementers to submit full bids to the British Embassy. (The British Embassy will then submit the best bids to the HRDP Team in London). 28 March 2014
Assessment of submitted projects by HRDP Team and Board April/May 2014
Successful bidders notified End May 2014

Project concept bids and full bids will be submitted to the British Embassy in Hanoi, but final funding decision will be made by HRD Programme Team in London.

Project concepts must follow the FCO’s standard form (MS Word Document, 93 KB) and Guidance (MS Word Document, 191 KB) and be submitted to the British Embassy by close of business Friday 28 February 2014. They should be sent via email to Ms Hoang Hong Hanh.

Further guidance will be provided if your project concept is selected to be developed to a full proposal.


Hoang Hong Hanh

Project Coordinator

British Embassy Hanoi


Telephone: +84 4 3936 0500 Extention: 2318

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Published 13 February 2014