World news story

Human Rights Council: 17th Session of the Universal Periodic Review Working Group, Geneva, 21 October to 1 November 2013

Statement by UK Mission Geneva on Monaco's Universal Periodic Review, 28 October 2013.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
The UN Building in Geneva

The Universal Periodic Review is taking place at the Palais des Nations, Geneva

Thank you, Mr President.

The UK welcomes Monaco’s commitment to delivering progress on international human rights standards. We recognise that human rights and values are enshrined in the Monegasque Constitution. We welcome Monaco’s long standing support for protecting religious freedom within the Principality. It is a fundamental right to have the social space to practice religions free from prejudice, discrimination and the threat of violence.

Monaco’s constitution continues to uphold fair treatment for prisoners, most notably by allowing independent human rights observers from the Council of Europe’s Committee for the Prevention of Torture to monitor conditions at the country’s detention centre and psychiatric hospital. The UK welcomes Monaco’s efforts to eradicate all forms of abuse against children, including through government sponsored public service programmes and the establishment of a telephone helpline within the Principality.

Whilst recognising Monaco’s efforts to promote inclusion and diversity, we note that Monaco has no law against discrimination in employment based on sexual orientation or gender equality. We hope this can be addressed, in order keep Monaco’s human rights legislation in line with international standards.

Whilst we welcome the efforts made by the Monegasque authorities to educate public officials about the principles of human rights, we understand that there is no independent procedure to monitor complaints of human rights violations by the police.

The UK has two recommendations:

  1. That Monaco put in place an independent procedure to monitor complaints of human rights violations by the police.

  2. That Monaco establishes a mechanism that monitors: gender equality in employment; wage discrimination against women; and discrimination on sexual orientation.

Thank you.

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Published 28 October 2013