Human Rights Council 32, Geneva: Statement under Item 2, 13 June 2016
United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland Statement under Item 2 - Human Rights Council 32, 13 June 2016.

The Human Rights Council takes place at the Palais des Nations in Geneva
Thank you, Mr. President.
We thank you, High Commissioner, for your update and support the EU statement.
The UK remains concerned by the human rights situation in Yemen. We fully support the UN led peace talks and the work of UN Special Envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed. A political solution remains the best way to bring long-term stability to Yemen.
The UK is concerned about the growing pattern of intimidation of political opponents and the shrinkage of political space in the DRC. We are also troubled by the plight of IDPs in DRC, particularly those unable to access humanitarian support.
The UK remains concerned about Burundi where violence, and violations of human rights, including torture and ill treatment, continue daily. We are particularly alarmed at the increasing numbers of assassinations. We fully support the efforts led by former Tanzanian President Mkapa to ensure that the interactive dialogue is for all Burundians. We call on all parties to take urgent steps to end the violence and restore the protections given to the people of Burundi in their Constitution and the Arusha Accords. And we call on the government to continue cooperating with the UN independent investigation.
We welcome your engagement on Sri Lanka and look forward to discussing the issue in more detail later in the session.
The UK is convinced we must respond to the root causes of the migration crisis, not just its consequences. We are working with international partners to tackle the drivers of irregular migration and using our aid programmes to bring stability, jobs and livelihoods to irregular migrants’ countries of origin. The UK is also resolute in its determination to tackle the people smugglers and all those who seek to benefit from the misery of others.
Thank you Mr President.