World news story

Human Rights Council 33, introduction to the resolution on Somalia, 29 September, 2016

UK statement delivered during the 33rd session of the Human Rights Council.

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government
The Human Rights Council takes place at the Palais des Nations in Geneva

The Human Rights Council takes place at the Palais des Nations in Geneva

Mr President,

The UK is proud to again present this resolution with Somalia and on behalf of a group of friends of Somalia, including main co-sponsors: Australia, Italy, Turkey and the USA . We are pleased to have worked ever more closely with the African Group and that this resolution again enjoys wide support.

Decades of conflict have created real challenges to the full promotion and protection of human rights, many of which are referenced in the resolution before you. We commend the Somali government’s open approach to its human rights challenges and cooperation with this Council to address them. The resolution before us recognises this commitment - and also progress made by the Somali government.

The resolution provides honest and credible analysis of what these challenges are and critically sets out concrete actions to which the Government of Somalia has committed to. It calls for the support of the international community and for the extension of the mandate of the Independent Expert for a further year.

At this point, allow me to reiterate our call to the UN’s human rights system and the international community to respond to this resolution - and to Somalia’s clear will and commitment to improve human rights in their country - with technical assistance and capacity building.

This will be critical in order to support Somalia as it approaches an electoral process and as the new Federal Government works to uphold human rights, respecting its international obligations. It’s clear that key human rights legislation will need to be implemented swiftly and effectively and that the drafting of the new Constitution provides an excellent opportunity to further the cause of human rights in Somalia. We stand ready to assist and work with Somalia in this regard and the continued support from the international community will be key in helping to build strong institutions capable of protecting the rights of all.

It is therefore appropriate and necessary that this resolution is presented under agenda item 10 of the HRC.

We are grateful for the support and constructive engagement during the negotiations by all states, in particular the Friends of Somalia, the African and Arab Groups and our cosponsors. We look forward to this resolution passing by consensus.

Thank you, Mr President

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Published 29 September 2016