World news story

Human Rights Council 40: Interactive Dialogue with UN Deputy Secretary-General

The UK spoke of how human rights were essential in delivering the SDGs and reinforced its stance on the importance of media freedom.

HRC Geneva

Thank you Mr President, and Deputy Secretary General, welcome to Geneva.

The United Kingdom is grateful to the Deputy Secretary General for her presentation on the Sustainable Development Goals and their link to human rights.

We believe that human rights are of vital importance to the delivery of the SDGs, especially if we are to ensure that no one is left behind.

States that violate human rights are less stable, less prosperous and less democratic. It is for that reason that the promotion and protection of human rights forms a core part of the UK’s aid and development strategy.

The UK is a strong advocate for Goal 16 on inclusive, peaceful societies, in particular 16.10, which supports public access to information.

Media freedom is a vital component of the right to freedom of expression; it is the lifeblood of democracy and lies at the heart of 16.10. A free and independent media plays a vital role in the protection of human rights and in holding the powerful to account.

As part of our recently launched Media Freedom Campaign, we will be co-hosting a conference with Canada in London this summer, to shine a spotlight on the issue and discuss how, together, we can reduce attacks on journalists and lift the barriers to a free media across the globe.

Madam Deputy Secretary General, what steps can states take to ensure that civil society and a free media are able to support the release of information, constructive public dialogue, and effective decision-making in the development process?

Thank you Mr President.

Published 7 March 2019