News story

Immigration limit consultation launches

Consultation on the annual limit of non-EU migrants allowed to work in the UK has been launched by an expert body which advises government.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

The Migration Advisory Committee will gather evidence to help determine the permanent economic migration limit due to be implemented in April 2011.

The consultation will look at tier one and two of the points system, which covers both skilled people applying to work in the UK with a job offer, and those applying without an offer.

MAC chair, Professor David Metcalf, said: ‘The MAC is pleased that it has been asked to carry out this work and looks forward to working with its partners to develop robust and well-informed advice to the government.’

Social impacts

As well as economic impacts, the MAC will take into account the social and public service impacts of immigration on the UK.
The consultation will be open for submissions until 7 September 2010, and the advice will be presented to the government by the end of that month.

A paper setting out the consultation questions and procedures for submitting evidence can be found on the UK Border Agency website.

While the government consults on a permanent limit, an interim figure of 24,100 will be implemented next month.

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Published 30 June 2010