Important information on fitness to drive standards for medical professionals
Medical professionals can find the latest medical standards for driving in Great Britain and Northern Ireland in DVLA’s medical guidelines for professionals and at a glance guide.

It is important that medical professionals remember that the medical guidelines are often updated and it is essential to regularly check that the version being used is the most current.
The guide includes an A to Z navigation to find specific conditions and the medical standards associated with them.
The standards in the medical guidelines are reviewed regularly and are based on the minimum EU standards for driving and the advice of the Secretary of State’s Medical Advisory Panels. These standards must be applied by all Member States.
A full guide named At a glance is also available to download in PDF format. This guide aims to help doctors and health care professionals advise their patients whether they need to tell DVLA about their medical condition and what the outcome of medical enquiry is likely to be.
We are also seeking feedback on the medical guidelines so that we can assess how well it meets our users’ needs and make improvements where possible. If possible please could you complete the short five-minute survey.