Industry helps shape the future of Multi-Domain Integration
Strategic Command hosted a Multi-Domain Integration Industry Day on 24 June 2021
On 24 June 2021, Strategic Command hosted our first Multi-Domain Integration (MDI) industry event, with the aim of providing industry and academic leaders with an understanding of the MDI Change Programme.
It was a collaborative event, with defence sharing their ambitions for MDI, and industry and academics providing valuable feedback on how future relationships can be as productive and efficient as possible.
Eighteen representatives from across defence spoke during the day, including Lieutenant General Rob Magowan, the programme’s Senior Responsible Owner, and Major General Robin Anderton-Brown, UKStratCom’s Director of Capability.
Following opening remarks, representatives from all the Front Line Commands, as well as from Defence Equipment and Support, the Permanent Joint Headquarters and the Future Capability Group, gave their perspectives on the Multi-Domain Integration Change Programme, and how crucial industry and academics are to it.
A hybrid format allowed as many industry and academic representatives to be involved in the day with 100 delegates attending in-person, and a further 450 virtually.
During the afternoon, in-person attendees were involved in focus group sessions while the virtual audience had the opportunity to put their questions and ideas to a panel of ten Ministry of Defence representatives.
Thank you to all those from who joined the day in-person or virtually. In the coming weeks we will provide more details on the outcomes from the event, including the important suggestions made by industry.