Inquiries Review: Notification of inquiry as preferred procedure now required 10 days prior to appeal submission
If you want a planning appeal to follow the inquiry procedure, you now need to tell us, and the Local Planning Authority, at least 10 days in advance of appeal submission.

At the Planning Summit held in London on 14 May the Minister for Housing, Kit Malthouse MP, endorsed our Action Plan to implement the recommendations of the Inquiries Review. As we have previously announced, we have begun implementing some of the recommendations and this update summarises the latest step forward.
Recommendation 3 advises streamlining the procedure used by appellants when they request an inquiry, recommending they notify the relevant local planning authority (LPA) at least 10 working days in advance of the submission of the appeal, ensuring they also share the notification with the Inspectorate at the same time.
How to notify
With immediate effect, you should notify the Local Planning Authority and also the Planning Inspectorate by email at least 10 working days before submitting your planning appeal.
In the notification, we request that you include:
Appellant name
The Local Planning Authority that the appeal will be against
Reason for appeal
Site address
Description of development
Planning application number
Likely submission date of appeal
Proposed duration of inquiry in days
Download the template to attach to the notification email.
We have also asked local planning authorities to provide this instruction to applicants in the decision notification.
For clarity, this only applies to planning appeals that follow the inquiry procedure.
Next actions for the inquiries review
In the next few weeks, we will publish guidance on new arrangements for the statement of case and statement of common ground. Appellants and local planning authorities should familiarise themselves with the guidance once published.
Keep informed about the changes
As we implement the recommendations of the Inquiries Review, we will publish updates on Inquiries Review page of GOV.UK. Subscribe to email notifications to keep updated on progress and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.