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Inside the Foreign Office: BBC series 2018

During November, the BBC broadcast 3 programmes that gave an insight into the work of the Foreign & Commonwealth Office.

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government
Grand Staircase at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office

BBC Television has made a 3-part documentary series about the Foreign & Commonwealth Office. The BBC filmed our staff in London and around the world from summer 2017 to summer 2018, following our work to protect British people, and promote UK prosperity and influence overseas.

This page provides links to find out more about the themes and the people featured in the series. You can follow the conversation on Twitter through #InsideTheForeignOffice.

Episode 3: Brits in trouble

Catch up on Brits in trouble on the BBC iPlayer.

Forced Marriage Unit caseworker Sophie Lott and our Overseas Territories Director Ben Merrick have published articles on the FCO Blog to provide an update following this episode.

Sophie Lott with girls in Kenya

Sophie Lott: how the Forced Marriage Unit saves lives

Ben Merrick looking at the Brewers Bay Community Centre in the British Virgin Islands

Ben Merrick: dealing with Mother Nature’s destruction after Hurricane Irma

Find out more about the work of the Foreign Office that features in episode 3:

Consular Affairs Director Julia Longbottom talk about how we help UK citizens abroad:

Consular services

Episode 2: Brave new world

Catch up on Brave new world on the BBC iPlayer.

Two of our diplomats who feature in this episode have published articles on the FCO Blog to give a more in-depth look at what we do around the world.

Former Ambassador to Mongolia Catherine Arnold on her 'flag' camel

Catherine Arnold – Mongolia: small embassies can have a big impact

Deputy High Commissioner to Nigeria Laure Beaufils ringing the stock bell at the Nigerian stock exchange

Laure Beaufils – Colourful, vibrant, booming Lagos: UK trade with Nigeria

Find out more about the work of the Foreign Office that features in episode 2:

The Foreign Office cat Palmerston also appears in this episode.

Episode 1: Keeping power and influence

Catch up on Keeping power and influence on the BBC iPlayer.

Three of our ambassadors in the first episode have published articles on the FCO Blog to provide an update on their roles:

Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the UN Karen Pierce speaking at the UN Security Council

Karen Pierce – Holding Russia to account at the United Nations

British Ambassador to Ukraine Judith Gough on board HMS Duncan.

Judith Gough – Frontline diplomacy: our woman in Ukraine

British Ambassador to Burma Dan Chugg giving a statement in the middle of a crowd.

Dan Chugg – Posted to Burma: a country on the edge

Find out more about Foreign Office work that features in episode 1:

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working for the Foreign Office

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Published 12 November 2018
Last updated 29 November 2018 show all updates
  1. Updated with new information on episode 3: Brits in trouble.

  2. Updated with further information about our work featured in episode 2: Brave New World

  3. First published.