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Insolvency Service office moves

Details of Insolvency Service offices that have closed, moved and merged: Edinburgh office moved 2 June 2023

The following list provides new contact details and dates for Insolvency Service offices that have moved location or merged with other offices.

Up to date Official Receiver contact information

Edinburgh office at Ladywell House moved 2 June 23.

Colleagues will commence working at our new Regional Centre on 5 June at:

Queen Elizabeth House
1 Sibbald Walk

Southend office moved on 28 October 2022

The Southend office closed on Friday 28 October 2022.

Colleagues have moved to our London office]( in Stratford

16th Floor, 1 Westfield Ave
E20 1HZ
United Kingdom

Contact telephone numbers remain unchanged

Reading office moved on 7 August 2017

The Reading office moved to new premises on 7 August 2017.

The new address is:

The Insolvency Service
5th floor
Northgate House
21-23 Valpy St.
Reading, Berkshire

DX 327001 Reading 34

The telephone and fax numbers remain unchanged

Norwich office closes and merges with Ipswich office on 28 November 2014

OR Norwich will close on Friday 28 November 2014 at 12.00pm and will merge with OR Ipswich. The contact details of OR Ipswich will remain the same. The Norwich main line will be diverted to Ipswich from 5pm Thursday 27 November 2014. The line will remain live and the divert in place for the following three months. OR Ipswich contact details are as follows:

The Insolvency Service
8th Floor
St Clare House,
Princes Street

Telephone: 01473 217565 Fax: 01473 230430 DX 3242 Ipswich 1 DX Email:

Hull office closes 14 November 2014

With effect from Friday 14th November 2014 the Hull office will be closing. After this date all enquiries should be directed to the Leeds office, the address is :

The Insolvency Service
3rd Floor
1 City Walk
LS11 9DA

Telephone Number: 0113 200 6000 Fax Number: 0113 200 6099 e-mail:

Gloucester office closing 31 October 2014

With effect from midday on Friday 31st October 2014 the Gloucester office will be closing. After this date all enquiries should be directed to the Bristol office, the address of which is:

The Official Receiver’s Office
1st Floor
Tower Wharf
Cheese Lane

Telephone No 0117 9279515 Fax No 0117 9275299 e-mail:

Sheffield office relocating (October 2014)

On the 6 October 2014, the Official Receiver’s office at 5th Floor, The Balance, Pinfold Street, Sheffield S1 2GU will relocate.

Post is being redirected to OR Leeds. Telephone numbers have been updated on the staff directory.

The switchboard number is 0113 200 6000.

The new address is:

Official Receiver’s Office
3rd Floor
1 City Walk
LS11 9DA

OR St Albans closing and moving to the London office (September 2014)

The Official Receiver’s office at St Albans will close on 19 September at 12:00 midday. Its staff and business will transfer to the London office.

The St Albans office currently deals with insolvencies from the County Courts at St Albans, Luton and Aylesbury and this work will be now dealt with at the London office.

In readiness for the closure, the office will be operating an answerphone only service from Wednesday 17 September.

To contact the Official Receiver from 22 September, the address will be:

4 Abbey Orchard Street

DX address: 120875
DX exchange: Victoria 18

Telephone 020 7637 1110 and ask for the person dealing with the case.

Stoke office closes and merges with Manchester office. July 2014

OR Stoke will close on Friday 4 July 2014 and will merge with OR Manchester on the following Monday, 7 July.

The contact details of OR Manchester will remain the same. The Stoke main line will be diverted to Manchester from 13:00 Friday 04 July 2014. The line will remain live and the divert in place for the following three months. Manchester OR contact details are as follows:

The Insolvency Service
2nd Floor, 3 Piccadilly Place
London Road
M1 3BN

Telephone: 0161 234 8500

LTADT Stoke will move to Manchester on the same day. The switchboard number is the same as for OR Manchester.

IES in Stoke will also relocate on 07 July 2014 to the Midlands & West IES unit based on the 3rd Floor of Cannon House, Birmingham, B4 6FD. Tel: 0121 698 4000.

Leicester office closes and merges with Nottingham office. June 2014

OR Leicester will close on Friday 6 June 2014 and will merge with OR Nottingham on the following Monday, 9 June.

The contact details of OR Nottingham will remain the same. The Leicester main line will be diverted to Nottingham from 13:00 Friday 6 June 2014. The line will remain live and the divert in place for the following three months.

The Insolvency Service
Level 1, Apex Court
City Link

Telephone: 0115 852 5000

LTADT Swansea office and South Wales in Swansea office move. May 2014

Our LTADT Swansea and Official Receiver South Wales in Swansea moved to Companies House Cardiff on 23 May 2014 and has been operational since Tuesday 27 May 2014. The Swansea site closed at 12.00 noon and the Cardiff office at 3pm.

LTADT Swansea’s new address is:

P0 Box 4376
Companies House
Crown Way
CF14 8JX

Tel: 02920 380178

OR South Wales is now at one location:

3rd Floor,
Companies House,
Crown Way,
CF14 3ZA

Tel. 029 2038 1300

Northampton office closes and merges with Birmingham office. April 2014

The telephone numbers for Northampton have been terminated and all callers will be directed to Birmingham.

From Monday 14 April, the work previously carried out at Northampton will be dealt with at our Birmingham office. This will generally include all bankruptcy and compulsory liquidation work arising from the Northampton, Milton Keynes, Bedford and Banbury County Courts.

Any queries relating to former Northampton insolvencies can be referred to or to the switchboard at Birmingham: 0121 698 4000.

Our new address:

4th Floor
Cannon House
18 Priory Queensway
B4 6FD


Medway and Canterbury merge. December 2013

Our offices in Medway and Canterbury are merging and relocating. The Medway office closed on Friday 6 December and the Canterbury office and LTADT based at Canterbury close on Friday 13 December. Canterbury and LTADT can be contacted at the current numbers until Friday 13 December.

The new Medway office address is:

West Wing
Ground Floor
The Observatory
Chatham Maritime
Kent, ME4 4NT.

All staff will be operating from the new office from Monday 16 December.

The new switchboard number will be 01634 894700 but the current Medway number, 01634 895700, will continue to be operational.

The LTADT will have direct dial numbers but can be contacted via the office reception number which will then direct callers to LDADT.

DX numbers for the time being remain the same.

Cambridge office moves. Novemer 2013

Our Cambridge office moved on Friday 29th November 2013.

New office address:

The Insolvency Service
Shaftesbury Road
Cambridgeshire, CB2 8DR

The office telephone numbers remain the same.

Chester office merges with Liverpool office changing name to OR Birkenhead. November 2013

The Chester office leaves its current premises on Friday 29th November and moves in to its new premises on Monday 2nd December.

The new address is:

The Insolvency Service
2nd Floor
Rosebrae Court
Wood side Ferry Approach
CH41 6DU

The office will have new telephone and fax numbers from 12pm on Friday 29th November:

Telephone 0151 666 0220 Fax: 0151 666 0290

The office will be closed from 12pm on Friday 29th November. Callers will be redirected to the Birkenhead office where the public can seek assistance.

Liverpool office changing name to OR Birkenhead. November 2013

The Liverpool office leaves its current premises on Friday 22nd November and moves in to its new premises on Monday 25th November.

The new address is:

The Insolvency Service
2nd Floor
Rosebrae Court
Wood side Ferry Approach
CH41 6DU

The office will have new telephone and fax numbers from 12pm on Friday 22nd November:

Telephone 0151 666 0220 Fax: 0151 666 0290

The office will be closed from 12pm on Friday 22nd November. Telephones will be diverted to the Chester office switchboard where the public can seek assistance. If messages are left, Liverpool staff will pick up those messages on Monday or Tuesday the following week.

Brighton office. November 2013

The Brighton office leaves its current premises on Friday 8 November 2013 and moves in to its new premises on Monday 11 November 2013.

The new address is:

The Insolvency Service
The Office of the Official Receiver
5th Floor
Crown House
11 Regent Hill

The office will have new telephone and fax numbers from Monday 11 November: Telephone 01273 224100 Fax: 01273 224135

The DX number remains unchanged.

Southend office. October 2013

On 14 October 2013, the Official Receiver’s office at Southend relocated.

Post is being redirected. Telephone numbers remain unchanged.

The new address is:

The Insolvency Service
2nd Floor Alexander House,
21 Victoria Avenue.
Southend- on- Sea
SS99 1AA

Stockton office moves and merges with Newcastle office. August 2013

On 19 August 2013 the Official Receiver’s office at Stockton relocated and merged with our Newcastle office. This follows a public consultation held between 27 March and 22 June 2012.

From 19 August 2013 the work previously carried out at Stockton will be dealt with at our Newcastle office. This will generally include all bankruptcy and compulsory liquidation work arising from the Darlington, Durham and Middlesbrough County Courts. Any queries relating to former Stockton insolvencies can be referred to or to the switchboard at Newcastle: 0191 260 4600

Telephones and post are currently being redirected.

The Newcastle address is:

The Insolvency Service
1st Floor, Melbourne House,
Pandon Bank,
Newcastle upon Tyne

Bournemouth office relocated and merged with Southampton office. July 2013

On 12 July 2013 the Official Receiver’s office at Bournemouth relocated and merged with our Southampton office. This follows a public consultation held between 27 March and 22 June 2012.

From 15 July 2013 the work previously carried out at Bournemouth will be dealt with at our Southampton office. This will generally include all bankruptcy and compulsory liquidation work arising from the Bournemouth, Salisbury and Weymouth County Courts. Any queries relating to former Bournemouth insolvencies can be referred to or to the switchboard at Southampton: 0238 083 1600.

Telephones and post are currently being redirected.

The Southampton address is:

The Insolvency Service
1st Floor, Spring Place
105 Commercial Road
S015 1EG

Updates to this page

Published 14 November 2014
Last updated 5 June 2023 show all updates
  1. Edinburgh office at Ladywell House moved 2 June 23. Colleagues will commence working at our new Regional Centre on 5 June at: Queen Elizabeth House, 1 Sibbald Walk, Edinburgh, EH8 8FT

  2. Southend office has moved

  3. Reading office moved

  4. First published.