Press release

Interim manager appointed to Christ Embassy charity

The Charity Commission has appointed an interim manager to the charity Christ Embassy (registered charity number 1059247).

This news article was withdrawn on

This Inquiry has now closed. Read the full Inquiry report into Christ Embassy.

The Commission used its powers under the Charities Act to appoint Mr Rod Weston of Mazars as Interim Manager of the charity to the exclusion of the charity’s trustees as a temporary and protective measure. He took over the management of the charity on Monday 11 August. The charity’s trustees have been informed of the decision, and the Interim Manager will be communicating with the charity’s beneficiaries.

In July 2013, the regulator opened a statutory inquiry into the charity to investigate a number of serious concerns relating to the financial management of the charity, including in particular large connected party payments. Since then a books and records inspection has been carried out and the regulator has obtained information from and met the trustees, however, the regulator’s concerns about the financial management of the charity have not been resolved.

The appointed Interim Manager will:

  • take over the management of the charity, including its staff, assets, interests, and relations with third parties

  • discharge the functions of a charity trustee of the charity to the exclusion of the current charity trustees of the charity

  • take any steps necessary to secure and take control of the assets of the charity

The religious activities of the charity are not affected; the Interim Manager is taking steps and working with the pastors to ensure this remains the case.

It is the Commission’s normal practice to publish a report on its website on conclusion of an inquiry setting out what issues the inquiry looked at, what actions were undertaken as part of the inquiry and what the outcomes were.


PR 72/14

For press enquiries contact the press office.

Notes to Editors

  1. The Charity Commission is the independent regulator of charities in England and Wales.
  2. Our mission is to be the independent registrar and regulator of charities in England and Wales, acting in the public’s interest, to ensure that: * charities know what they have to do * the public know what charities do * charities are held to account
  3. The opening of an inquiry is not in itself a finding of wrongdoing; the purpose of an inquiry to examine issues in detail and investigate and establish the facts so that the regulator can decide what action needs to be taken to resolve the concerns, if necessary using its legal powers to do so.
  4. The Commission has a power under s73(3)(g) to appoint an interim manager as a receiver and manager in respect of the property and affairs of the charity.
  5. The press release announcing the statutory inquiry into Christ Embassy can be viewed on the Charity Commission website.
  6. Mazars is an independent organisation, specialising in audit, advisory, accounting and tax services.

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Published 12 August 2014