World news story

International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women: Supporting Victims of Domestic Violence in Russia

Around the world, domestic violence ruins lives, breaks up families and has a lasting impact. In Russia, it is estimated that domestic violence causes the death of a woman every hour.

This was published under the 2015 to 2016 Cameron Conservative government

The British Consulate General in Ekaterinburg and the British Embassy in Moscow are supporting the Ekaterina Crisis Centre for the victims of domestic violence in the Sverdlovsk region. As well as offering immediate support to victims, Ekaterina seeks to raise awareness amongst the general population and educate healthcare and legal professionals.

Working with a UK partner, the Haven Centre in Wolverhampton, and with contributions from the Consulate and Embassy, the Ekaterina Centre has been providing assistance to victims of domestic violence for over 20 years. Kath Rees, Executive Director of Haven said: “It has been a privilege to work with the women’s crisis centre in Ekaterinburg over many years. The Haven Wolverhampton UK and the Ekaterina Crisis Centre have developed many joint projects since 1996. It has never ceased to amaze me the dedication of staff at the Centre and other professionals that support this area of work in Russia.”

Around the world, 35% of women and girls will experience some form of physical or sexual violence during their lifetime. Ending violence against women will continue to be a priority for the UK at home and overseas.

A Survivor’s Story

Dina, 37, suffered physical violence and psychological pressure at the hands of her husband. He beat their child, and tried to kill Dina. When she could take no more, Dina went to the police in Ekaterinburg.
The Ekaterina Crisis Centre has worked hard to build partnerships with the local police, therefore when Dina asked for help the police were able to refer her to Ekaterina. One of Ekaterina’s psychologists offered assistance to Dina and her daughter, and the centre also provided Dina with a lawyer. After a year-long trial, Dina’s husband was found guilty of assault, psychological abuse and making threats against Dina’s life. Thanks to the Ekaterina Crisis Centre, Dina and her daughter received help and justice.


Ekaterina Crisis Centre - 8-952-146-22-23,

Nation-wide hotline for domestic violence victims - 8-800-7000-600

Nation-wide hotline for children, teenagers and their parents who find themselves in a difficult situation - 8-800-2000-122

National violence prevention centre

Published 25 November 2015