World news story

International Labour Organization Governing Body: UK Statement on decent work in global supply chains

This statement was delivered on 22 March 2017 during the discussion on the resolution concerning decent work in global supply chains.

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government
The ILO is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland

The ILO is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland

The UK aligns itself to the EU statement and the IMEC statement.

Throughout history, sustained, job-creating growth has played the greatest role in lifting huge numbers of people out of grinding poverty. But jobs which stop children from going to school, are provided in slavery-like conditions and expose workers to health and safety risks, exacerbate, rather than alleviate poverty. This is why the UK strongly supports the aims of the decent work in global supply chains roadmap.

In particular we note that:

  • the ILO has developed a thorough work plan with a detailed list of deliverables; and a strong Theory of Change to underpin the roadmap

  • we believe the timeframe over which the roadmap is due to be delivered is too long. Accordingly, we ask the ILO to, where possible, look to deliver certain activities over an expedited timeline

  • we would also like to push for the roadmap to more explicitly consider interventions that will reduce incidences of modern slavery, forced labour and child labour within global supply chains

I thank you, Mr. Chairperson.

Published 22 March 2017