Investigation team and panel for Jimmy Savile Broadmoor investigation announced
Dr Bill Kirkup CBE to be lead investigator.

Dr Bill Kirkup CBE will be the lead investigator for the joint Department of Health and West London Mental Health Trust investigation into the involvement of Jimmy Savile in Broadmoor Hospital.
Dr Kirkup was acting chair and a member of the Hillsborough Independent Panel which recently published its findings into the 1989 Hillsborough football disaster and has led numerous service reviews within the NHS. He has had a distinguished career as a public health consultant and as Associate Chief Medical Officer at DH and Director General of Clinical Programmes.
The oversight panel will consist of seven members with expertise in mental health services and safeguarding:
- chairman - Nigel McCorkell, Chairman of West London Mental Health NHS Trust
- vice-chairman - Bruce Calderwood, Director of Mental Health Policy DH
- independent non-executive director - John Bacon, Chairman Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
- NHS London/NHS Commissioning Board/National Trust Development Authority - Victoria Man
- safeguarding lead - Zoe Johnstone, Bracknell Forest local authority
- representing service users - Paul Jenkins, CEO Rethink
- independent secure services expert - Granville Daniels
The following people will support the oversight panel:
- Leeanne McGee - Executive Director of High Secure Services, West London Mental Health NHS Trust (Leeanne will act as the Trust main contact point and coordinate support for Dr Kirkup)
- Gwen Nightingale - Deputy Director, Department of Health (Gwen will act as the main Departmental contact point for the investigation)
- Helene Feger - Director of Communications, West London Mental Health NHS Trust
- Gerard Hanratty - Partner, Capsticks