News story

Invitation to an IIAC public meeting on 2 July 2015

An opportunity for members of the public to learn about the work of the Industrial Injuries Advisory Council (IIAC) and ask questions.

The Industrial Injuries Advisory Council (IIAC) provides advice to the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions and the Department of Social Development in Northern Ireland on matters relating to the industrial injuries scheme.

The committee advises on which diseases, and the jobs that cause them, should be included in the scheme. The council is formed of medical, scientific and legal experts, and representatives of employers and employed earners.

The aim of the meeting

The aim of the meeting is to give members of the public, their representatives, and people with a professional interest in occupational diseases, the opportunity to learn and ask questions about the council’s work.

The meeting will:

  • describe the council’s role in making recommendations to ministers about the industrial injuries scheme
  • include an update on IIAC’s recent work, and on matters that arose from last year’s meeting
  • provide an opportunity to contribute views and ideas about issues that IIAC should look at and on the council’s future programme

The meeting

The meeting will be held on Thursday 2 July 2015 from 10:00am to 3:15pm at:

Mary Sumner House
24 Tufton Street

The deadline for reserving a place is Friday 19 June 2015.

To apply, email

It may not be possible to accept all applications if the number of requests is higher than expected.

Find out more about IIAC

The Council does not represent the Department for Work and Pensions and has no involvement in individual claims or decisions.

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Published 11 May 2015