World news story

Invitation to bid for market research project in Japan

The British Embassy Tokyo is looking for companies to bid to conduct market research of Japanese investors.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Invitation to bid for market research project in Japan

Market research companies are invited to bid to undertake research for UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) Japan.

UKTI Japan is intending to launch an inward investment marketing campaign. This will promote the attractiveness of the UK as a destination for investment from Japan. Market research is required to ensure the campaign has maximum impact, and hits the appropriate tone with the Japanese audience.

As a result of the research the campaign would expect to:

  • raise awareness of new Japanese investors of UK investment opportunities
  • raise awareness of existing Japanese investors of further UK opportunities
  • increase the positive image of UK investment amongst influential mainstream and social media
  • identify Japanese companies who have the potential to expand their business into the UK in the next 1 to 5 years

Research required

The market research should investigate the best ways to engage with Japanese businesses. This should enable us to:

  • gain a better understand of what motivates decision making
  • determine which approach would best appeal
  • find out what type of marketing would stand out the most

It should include:

  • an initial qualitative phase to explore perceptions regarding investing in the UK
  • a quantitative study to confirm, or deny hypotheses generated in the qualitative research

A final phase should look at any sector specific tendencies among Japanese investors.

Read full details of the market research requirement: Invitation to bid: Market research for Japanese investors (PDF, 252 KB, 13 pages)

Project budget

The budget is from JPY1,000,000 to a maximum of JPY1,600,000, including tax.

What to include in your bid

Your submission should be written in English and should cover all 6 criteria listed below. A 1 to 3 weighting scale (3=high, 2=medium, 1= low) has been applied to each criteria. We will use this when scoring each submitted criteria to form an overall judgment and final assessment of your bid.

The criteria are:

  • how you intend to deliver this market research, including full details of who you propose to contact, and methods used to carry out the work (weighting:3)
  • how much resource you will put in place(weighting:2)
  • what other useful ideas and suggestions can you bring to deliver this research? (weighting:3)
  • timetable setting out your delivery plans (weighting:1)
  • estimates of total cost including breakdowns (weighting:2)
  • your previous experience of carrying out market research and examples of your previous work (weighting:2)

Submitting bids

Please email in the British Embassy in Tokyo by 28th August 2014 to express an interest in bidding. You can also call us on +81(0)3-5211-1340 if you have any questions regarding the project or bidding process.

UKTI Japan will hold a Q&A session at British Embassy Tokyo for interested companies on 29th August 2014.

Bids should be submitted to by 15:00 (Japan time) on 4th September 2014.


Lord Livingstone, Minister of State for UK Trade and Investment, has stated that the UK should aim to continue be the number one destination for Foreign Direct Investment projects (FDI) in Europe.

The UK brought in a record number of FDI projects in 2013. Japan was a key investment partner, delivering 116 FDI projects into the UK, across a variety of sectors.

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Published 21 August 2014