jHub Fellowship Scheme: “It’s a completely different area to work in.”
From Infantry Commander to working in the jHub, Innovation Scout John shares his journey.

You might assume that to work in the jHub, experience in technology is a requirement. After all, a huge amount of what this unique and fascinating team does is centred on the procurement and distribution of state-of-the-art technology to the front line of Defence. However, although helpful, it’s not necessarily the be all and end all. Don’t believe us? Just ask John, SO2 Innovation Scout in jHub X:
The exposure to technology isn’t something I had experience within my previous role.
Before working in the jHub, John was an Infantry Commander, a world away from his current role in the jHub. And although it took some time to adjust, he has relished his introduction to technology:
It’s anything from the digital aspects to modern warfare soldier systems which is super interesting, and I think really applicable going forward in my career.
Like with those around him, John makes a point of acknowledging the chance to work with those with different backgrounds and expertise as being particularly significant in the appeal of the jHub:
I have the opportunity to work with specialists and people with a variety of different backgrounds whether that’s Data scientists, UES Programmers even legal aspects. It’s not something I would have been able to do in my previous role.
All these backgrounds are the cogs in the jHub machine and contribute to their overall mission, but John explains:
The ability to make a difference, quickly, especially in the jHub X-Team is fantastic. We have such an operational drive, and we can go identify a problem, go straight to industry to develop a solution and then get it straight into the hands of the users.
And, despite this being clearly satisfying in its own right, it’s the being able to see and understand the process in a different light that that excites John:
Seeing this process from a capability procurement side is fascinating and quite rare.
If jHub’s status as a unique defence office was still in question, John points out a couple of additional factors to tip the scale heavily in its favour:
It’s a completely different area to work in than you would find in other areas of Defence. The style of leadership is one of a kind but so is the breadth and variety of different areas you get to work in.
And where better to finish than with this:
It’s a fantastic opportunity and I would definitely recommend it to anyone who is thinking of coming into this space.
You can find more information about working for the jHub and their new Innovation Fellowship by reading the Innovation Fellowship Launches article.