jHub Fellowship Scheme: "We define innovation as doing something different that adds value."
Innovation is often described as doing something new or different, but at jHub it's essential that these new approaches add value.

Major Jonathan, Innovation Scout at the jHub, is responsible for scoping out areas for development and then bringing them together with industry experts.
Once an opportunity has been established, jHub will work with industry partners to establish a pilot scheme aimed at making an immediate impact. Only once it is deemed as viable, is the product taken to the next stage:
If it’s successful and we see it being a viable solution going forward we’ll take it to the UK Strategic Command Innovation Sub-Committee where we’ll seek funding to bring it in as a core capability.
Even if a project is deemed viable, and approved by the committee, it’s only considered a success when it actually delivers the intended capability in the hands of the user.
Although set up to focus on areas of capability within defence, the jHub doesn’t shy away from casting a larger net in their hunt to provide innovative solutions:
Of course, we primarily look across defence for areas of capability but in some cases, we also look at the wider security architecture across government.
As well as producing innovative products and solutions to users Major Jonathan shares that the role has offered him the chance to work closely with colleagues from the civil service, Royal Navy and Royal Air Force:
It has been incredibly refreshing and being able to see first-hand the way in which everyone contributes has been fantastic.
He goes on to explain perhaps the most attractive feature of working at the jHub, is:
The opportunity to represent defence, as an ambassador with industry and to work on some really impactful projects that can deliver real benefits going forward has been really rewarding.
And who can say better than that?
You can find more information about working for the jHub and their new Innovation Fellowship by reading the Innovation Fellowship Launches article.